Digital signage template for school restaurant

This template is a set of 3 WordPress patterns in a zip file:

  • header of the digital board (logo / title)
  • header of the calendar
  • Items (illustration of the meal, list of meals for each day of the week)

This template is based on a canva template:

Method 1: use directly canva template

The more simple and straight forward way to create a digital signage for a weekly restaurant menu is to directly modify the template in canva (or any graphical software) and save it as an image (jpg or png).

You can the use it as a background color of your WordPress block, just adjust the content to screen length and set the min height of your block to the height of your screen.

The problem with this method is that you’ll have to modify your menu every week and import it as a media into WordPress again.

Method 2: use a WordPress Pattern for your school menu digital board:

Garden salad

Caesar salad

Spinach salad

Mix green salad

Green salad


Garden salad

Caesar salad

Spinach salad

Mix green salad

Green salad

ice cream

Garden salad

Caesar salad

Spinach salad

Mix green salad

Green salad